What You Need to Know About Deep Tissue Massage

A lumpy mattress is unattractive and uncomfortable; this was descriptive of my inner muscles before I discovered deep tissue massage.

Again, my body was riddled with chronic pain and aches, on and off, before I indulged in this liberating massage therapy.

Whereas people tend to relate the word ‘chronic’ with ‘serious,’ it simply means to reoccur. These pains and aches were persistent creating great discomfort.

Your next question is probably, what is a deep tissue massage?

Deep Tissue Massage

Initially, I thought deep tissue massage was an excruciating exercise inclined to relieve tension in the body. While the latter is true, the former is not. Here is how it works; the therapy begins from the top layer working inward.

The therapist coaxes the top layer using warm oils and applying pressure. The goal is to achieve a relaxed tenure to penetrate and reach the more embedded muscles and soft tissues. Deep massage therapy aims at relieving tension in the hard-to-reach muscles and soft tissues through manipulation.

Benefits of Deep Tissue Massage

With that said, here is what a deep tissue massage does for me:

1. Relieves tension in my neck, since I work on my computer most of the day, so my neck tends to tense from time to time

2. Sore shoulders are a thing of the past, though I have to keep up with the therapy to ensure this doesn’t happen.

3. The massage therapy eases the pain in the lower back significantly.

Tip: I try to reduce my anxiety levels before the session; it makes the massage therapy more effective for me and easier for the therapist.

Muscles on reflex, tense up at the perception of any intrusion, so levels of tolerance for pressure varyfrom one person to another.

I realize that when the tension is great, I feel the pressure; more so, I need to attend successive sessions so that the therapist gradually penetrates the muscles and soft tissue. Alternatively, the therapist simply adopts a different technique to get my body to a less resistant point.

Muscles on reflex, tense up at the perception of any intrusion, so levels of tolerance for pressure vary from one person to another.

I realize that when the tension is great, I feel the pressure; more so, I need to attend successive sessions so that the therapist gradually penetrates the muscles and soft tissue. Alternatively, the therapist simply adopts a different technique to get my body to a less resistant point.

Overall, deep tissue massage brings an end to what seems like “never-ending” pains and aches.

At first, I was a bit apprehensive about the pain, but there is nothing to it. I like to look at it as an oxymoron, “bittersweet” pain, and the kind of pain where I feel the tension ebbing away. For maximum benefit, one needs to be comfortable as well as relaxed.

3 thoughts on “What You Need to Know About Deep Tissue Massage”

  1. The part where you mentioned that deep tissue massage therapy can relieve tension around the neck area really convinced me to do it. I have been suffering from uncomfortable neck pain since I started taking online classes and it’s been affecting my performance. I guess I should start looking for a massage clinic around Boise, ID, and see if they offer this service.

  2. These knots can inhibit our circulation and cause pain and inflammation, Thank you for this article it is very helps full for all of us.

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